Reduce illicit financial and arms flows, improve recovery and return of stolen assets, and combat all forms of organized crime.
Could this be your career mission?
Below are employers you could work for, occupations they employ, and education and training programs to prepare you to achieve this target.
Community Policing Initiatives: Local police departments collaborate with residents to address and prevent organized crime within neighborhoods.
Crime Prevention Councils: Develop and implement strategies to prevent various forms of crime, including organized criminal activities.
Neighborhood Watch Programs: Grassroots initiatives where community members actively participate in monitoring and reporting suspicious activities to local law enforcement.
Anti-Gang Organizations: Groups focused specifically on preventing gang-related activities and providing alternatives for at-risk youth.
Financial Literacy and Anti-Corruption Groups: Promote financial literacy and transparency, working to prevent illicit financial flows and corruption at the local level.
Youth Outreach and Development Programs: Engage with young people to provide positive alternatives, mentorship, and educational opportunities, aiming to prevent involvement in organized crime.
Community-based Anti-Drug Coalitions: Focus on substance abuse prevention and work to combat drug trafficking and distribution at the community level.
Victim Support Organizations: Offer support services to victims of organized crime, helping them recover and providing resources for preventive measures.
Business Watch Programs: Local businesses collaborate to share information and implement security measures to prevent organized crime activities targeting businesses.
Community Legal Aid and Advocacy Centers: Provide legal assistance to community members affected by organized crime, helping them navigate legal challenges and seek justice.